Well, it's official. As of Wednesday, June 29, 2011, I am retired. It hasn't sunk-in yet. I normally worked Monday-Thursday, 10-hour days, so yesterday felt like a vacation day and today feels like my normal Friday off. Maybe by next week it'll hit me.
I've worked for the County of Ventura for 10.5 years and enjoyed every minute. I had a great boss and coworker; lots of interaction with managers, supervisors and crew members. I worked for the Road department, as a parting gift I got my very own street
name sign with our County logo, very cool!
I'll miss the mornings. There was always hussle-bussle activity. Everyone getting their work assignments, coming by my desk to ask for help or just rushing by saying, "Good morning Gayle" with a smile.
But on the very bright side, I'll be able to contribute more time to my local society. I'm currently Publicity Chairman. I've recently been listening to "My Society" on Blog Talk Radio. So informative. I want to bring all that I've learned to my society too.
I'll have the freedom to make appointments during the week (imagine that!)
I can attend "field trips" with my society.
My husband and I usually save Friday's as our movie day, now we can go
to the Tuesday matinee for $5.00. Wow!
Well, whatever I choose, I won't have the time constraint of a 10-hour
work day, wheeeeeeee!